Release Notes - v1.44 - 2023-03-01

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Your sqanit experience is improving as we work to squash bugs and release new features. Here’s what changed:


  • New Tabs for Templates:
    • We've added new tabs to the template details view. This allows you to conveniently view all tickets, video sessions and codes associated with the same template (picture)(picture) (picture).
    • These tabs can also be used to create new entities, e.g., tickets (picture).
  • Entity Creation from Customer Context:
    • You can now initiate the creation of new devices, tickets, and video sessions from within the context of a customer. This will automatically connect these entities to the respective customer (picture).
  • Simplified First Login for new Users:
    • Invitation emails now include a link that takes new users to the login page, where their credentials are already filled in for them (picture).


  • Push Notifications for Apple Users:
    • Push Notifications are now also available for macOS Safari (from version 16) and iOS (from version 16.4) if a link is installed on the home screen (article).
  • Search Function Redesign:
    • The design of the search function in the Assistant module has been updated to improve usability (picture).
  • Video Session Improvements:
    • A waiting animation was added that users see while waiting for the other party to pick up the call. It informs them about the AR functions of video sessions (video).
    • The design of the control buttons has been updated (picture).
  • Text Input Controls now in Pop-Up:
    • The buttons to insert links, bold, or italic text are now available via a pop-up. This avoids unintentionally moving the current view (picture).
  • Barcode Scanner for entering numbers automatically:
    • In the mobile application, it is now possible to use the barcode scanner to insert numbers (picture).
  • Additional Information in Employee Details View:
    • It is now possible for authorized users to display the date of the last login and the date of the last password change for each user (picture).
  • Reduced Loading Times after Releases:
    • It now takes less time to reload the application after upgrading it to a new version.
  • Wording/Text Improvements:
    • Texts and descriptions have been updated and improved.

Fixed Issues

  • Various bug fixes and performance optimizations.
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