Release Notes - v1.47 - 2023-05-31

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Your sqanit experience is improving as we work to squash bugs and release new features. Here’s what changed:


  • New Search Functionalities
    • The search can now be focused on individual columns/property fields (picture).
    • A new search mode was added: "Does not contain" will provide search results that do not include the entered search term (picture).
  • More Dashboard Perspectives
    • In the main dashboard, the perspective can now be switched to see the exclusive content of each department (picture).


  • Selection of Search Mode via a 3-Dot-Menu
    • A 3-dot-menu at the end of the search bar now allows you to select the desired search mode (picture):
      • Exact match
      • Any characters
      • Begins with
      • Ends with
      • Does not contain
      • Search in column
  • Departments can now be sorted, filtered and searched
    • The departments of the main company as well as the departments of the corporate customers are now listed more flexibly.
    • With the search function, the filter function and the sort function you can easily find departments you are looking for and set a desired order (picture) (picture).
  • Address Validation has become more user-friendly
    • If addresses or parts of addresses cannot be validated by the system, users are now offered alternatives which are validated and which they can use instead (picture).
  • A Teams Tab was added to the Employee Details View
    • Information about the current team assignments of the selected employee can be viewed, and new assignments can be added (picture).
  • Devices have received additional property fields
    • With "Warranty" and "Installation", two property fields have been added that allow free text entries (picture)(picture).

Fixed Issues

  • Various bug fixes and performance optimizations.
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