Release Notes - v1.51 - 2023-11-01

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Your sqanit experience is improving as we work to squash bugs and release new features. Here’s what changed:


  • Filters for Notification Drawer
    Notifications can now be filtered by state (read/unread) and creation date (picture).
  • "Placeholder" for easier Content Creation in Text Assistant
    Action buttons can now be linked with "Placeholders" until the required elements have been created and are ready to be linked (picture)(picture).
  • Ticket Offers Tab for the Back Office
    The ticket menu now offers a tab that lists all ticket offers concerning the logged-in employee (picture).
  • Ticket Messages are now grouped
    Consecutive messages from the same sender are now grouped (Back Office). The details for each individual message can be displayed by clicking on the date/time indicator (picture).


  • The Logo in Topbar is now optional
    You can now decide at template level whether to show a company logo to code users in the mobile application (picture)(picture).
  • Faster Loading of Attachments
    Attachments, such as pictures, videos, and PDFs now load faster when navigating the application.
  • Faster Detection of unsupported Media Formats
    The system now detects faster whether the files selected for upload have a supported format or not.
  • Automatic loading of old Messages when Scrolling
    When a user scrolls through the chat history, old messages are automatically loaded.
  • Deletion of Draft Devices and Draft Customers by Code Users
    Code users can now delete draft devices and draft customers if they were created via dynamic codes (picture).
  • New Filter Design for Mobile Application
    List filters in the mobile application can now be selected via horizontally scrollable checkbox lists. To visualize that, little arrows are displayed (picture).
  • New Preview Design
    The frame of the preview has been replaced by a more realistic-looking mobile phone model (picture).
  • Audio Recording Button is always displayed
    The button that allows users to record audio messages is now permanently displayed. If no microphone is available, an error message is displayed after clicking the button (picture).
  • Service Case Ratings performed in a Pop-up Window
    To increase clarity, the rating of tickets and video sessions in the mobile application now takes place in a pop-up window (picture).
  • Target Template Details are shown during Copying of Module Elements
    Users who copy a module element will, after selecting a target template, see the details of the selected template in addition to the available module groups (picture).
  • Improved Error Messages for disabled Modules
    Users are informed via error messages when they try to use (sub-)module functionalities that are currently disabled (picture).
  • Unsaved Changes can be reviewed in a Table
    When users forget to save their changes, the system warns them via a pop-up window. In this pop-up window, users can now also view the unsaved changes in a table next to the old values (picture)(picture).
  • Install PWA button has been moved (Chrome)
    The button that allows Chrome users to install the application on their desktop has been moved from the notification drawer to the topbar menu (picture).
  • The Import of Customer Team Mappings has been improved
    The CSV files for importing customer team mappings can now be formatted in several ways, e.g., "customer" and "" can both be used as title for the customer column.

Fixed Issues

  • Various bug fixes and performance optimizations.
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