Release Notes - v1.37 - 2022-06-07

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Your sqanit experience is improving as we work to squash bugs and release new features. Here’s what changed:


  • Templates can now be archived. This means they can be removed from the list of active templates, without deleting them from the platform. No new devices can be created from archived templates unless they are reactivated (picture)(picture).
  • By default, customers with customer login will now receive all notifications about the codes, devices, tickets, video sessions, etc. for which their company is in the role of the customer. This feature can be turned on/off in each user's personal settings (picture).

Fixed Issues

  • Various bug fixes and performance optimizations.


  • The rating feature can now be configured at the ticket creation flow level. This means that individual ticket creation flows of the same template can have different settings related to the rating function (picture).
  • New rating feature setting: Allow your employees to set the status of a ticket to "Closed", even if the rating function is switched on (picture).
  • The way elements in the value selection are displayed has been improved. A "radio button" has been added to mark selected elements (picture).
  • Audio messages can now be played directly within the messenger ("in-line") (video).
  • The link to the legal section has been moved from the notification drawer to the help & language menu (picture).
  • List export speed was improved, and a pop-up window was added that allows users to restart the export in case something went wrong (picture).
  • The filter handling in list searches has been improved.
  • Fleet management within a ticket: The currently logged-in user is now always displayed at the top of the list of requested employees (picture).
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