Employee Roles

Roles and their Capacities

AdministratorSpecial Permissions:
May change company settings (picture).
May create/edit/delete employees (picture)(picture).
May assign or change employee roles.
May edit code configurations (picture).
May create/edit/delete departments.
May assign employees to/ remove employees from departments.

No limitations.
ModeratorSpecial Permissions:
May create/edit/delete templates (picture)(picture).
May create/edit/delete customers (picture).
May edit/delete any ticket/video session at any time.
May assign or withdraw tickets and video sessions from employees (picture).

Cannot change company settings.
Cannot create/edit/delete employees.
Cannot assign or change employee roles.
Cannot edit code configurations.
Cannot create/edit/delete departments.
Cannot assign employees to/ remove employees from departments.
MemberSpecial Permissions:
May only work on tickets and video sessions for which they are responsible (e.g., assigned or offer accepted) (video).

Cannot to create/edit/delete templates.
Cannot create customers.
Cannot assign tickets and video sessions to other employees.
All Roles

Department Isolation active (article)
Special Permissions:
Users who belong to at least one department may only assign departments to which they themselves belong.
Users who do not belong to any department may assign any department.

Users are only allowed to view/edit the entities intended for them according to the selected isolation mode.

How to assign/change Roles

  • Employees cannot be without a role
  • Only administrators are authorized to assign or change employee roles
  • Employee roles are assigned during the employee creation process (picture), but can be changed at any time in the employee details view (picture).
  • Employee roles can be assigned/changed individually for each employee, or in bulk via import (article)(picture)(picture).

Recommendations for assigning Roles

Which role is best suited for which tasks?

AdministratorPosition in the Company:
- Company leaders (CEOs)
- Top level management
- Project manager/leader

- Specifying company and code settings (company-wide settings)
- Inviting new employees (personnel management)
- Monitoring and analyzing company-wide processes
ModeratorPosition in the Company:
- Middle management
- Department heads (e.g., service manager, sales manager)
- Content creators (e.g., working students)
- Marketing staff

- Creative creation process: defining design and functions
- Creating content (templates)
- Setting template/device settings
- Creating and managing teams and meta-teams (article)
- Adding and managing customer data
- Monitoring and analyzing individual processes (e.g., service processing)
MemberPosition in the Company:
- Service staff
- Service providers (e.g., technicians)
- Sales representatives
- Employees in contact with customers

- Working on tickets and video sessions
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