Changing the Content of "live" Templates


Editing templates is quick and easy, and changes are instantly synchronized with all template-dependent devices. However, as major changes can sometimes take a little longer, editing content from templates that are already "live" may result in users encountering incomplete content.

To avoid this situation, a simple trick can be used: Prepare content in a separate template and then copy it to the target template in one go.

Use Cases

  • Text Assistant
    • Changing the content and structure
    • Adding translations

When not to use it

  • Ticket Creation Flows
    • WARNING: Copying Ticket Creation Flows will cause existing tickets to lose their connections (picture).

Step-by-step Instruction

  1. Duplicate the template which you want to edit

    1. Select TEMPLATES from the side menu
    2. Select the template you want to edit (picture)
    3. In the top right corner, click DUPLICATE (picture)
    4. Confirm your choice by clicking DUPLICATE TEMPLATE in the pop-up window (picture)
    5. You are now in the details view of the new template. Note the "(COPY)" next to the template title (picture)

  2. Make the desired edits in the new template "(COPY)" (picture)
  3. Copy the Text Assistant module from the template "(COPY)" to the original template

    1. Select the template "(COPY)" (picture)
    2. Switch to the Modules tab (picture)
    3. In the top left corner, click on COPY TO OTHER TEMPLATE (picture)
    4. Select only the checkbox next to "Text" (Note: The checkbox next to Assistant will be filled in half) (picture)
    5. Click NEXT
    6. From the list, select a target template (The original template which you want to change) (picture)
    7. In the pop-up window, click on COPY MODULES (picture)
    8. You are now on the Modules tab of your original template, which has incorporated all changes (picture)

  4. Select TEMPLATES from the side menu
  5. Select the template "(COPY)" (picture)
  6. In the top right corner, click DELETE (picture)
  7. In the pop-up window, enter the title of the template and confirm the deletion process by clicking "DELETE TEMPLATE & DEVICES" (picture)

You are done!

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