Tickets Tab

In the tickets tab, you have access to all tickets. You can select individual tickets to view more details and to get in touch with code users.

The Overview Tab

All tickets that currently exist on the platform are listed here. To find specific information, you can search, sort, and filter the list. For more information on how to do that, please read this article: LISTS.

To the right of the list is a map that shows the locations of all tickets that are listed on the current page and of which the location is known.

The Overview Tab
The Overview Tab

The Map Tab

In this tab, you can view the map without the list being displayed (picture).

The List Tab

In this tab, you can view the ticket list without having the map being displayed (picture). This way, more columns can be displayed at the same time.

The Ticket Details View

Click on any ticket in the list for detailed information about it. To learn more about the Ticket Details View, please read this article: The Ticket Details View.

Ticket Dteails View
Ticket Details View

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