Creating Tickets
Code Users can create tickets via:
- the Ticket Overview (picture)
- action buttons in the Assistant. Note: This is only possible if you have created action buttons that reference a ticket creation flow (picture).
The responsible employees (see related article: Fleet Management) are immediately notified of new tickets so that they can get in contact with the code users as quickly as possible.
Service Employees can create tickets via:
Note: For employees, an additional step automatically appears in the creation flow, in which they have to specify whether the ticket is "Internal" or "Public".
Ticket Creation Flows
To create tickets, users need to answer the questions asked in each step of a ticket creation flow. For more information, please read this article: Ticket Creation Flows

Ticket Status

Employees can manually change the ticket status. However, when a ticket offer is accepted, or an employee was assigned, the status automatically changes to “ASSIGNED”.
Progress Status | Meaning |
DRAFT | Not all steps of the ticket creation flow have been completed yet. No ticket offers have been sent out yet. |
OPEN | The ticket has been created. Ticket offers have been sent. No employee has accepted their ticket offer yet. No employee has been assigned yet. |
ASSIGNED | At least one employee has accepted their ticket offer or has been assigned. |
IN PROGRESS | An employee is working on the ticket. |
DONE | The ticket is done, but the code user has not yet rated it. |
CLOSED | The ticket is closed. Code users can no longer create updates or write messages. |
CANCELLED | The ticket has been cancelled. |
Visibility Status | Meaning |
INTERNAL | Only employees can see this ticket. |
PUBLIC | Employees and code users can see this ticket. |
Working on Tickets
1. Getting notified
Depending on their individual notifications settings, service employees are notified of new tickets via push notifications, notifications in the browser, and/or emails. For more information on notifications, read this article: Notification Settings.

2. Getting informed
In the ticket details view (picture), service employees can view the information provided by the code users in order to assess the individual service cases.

3. Accepting ticket offers / Getting assigned
Before employees (role = member) can start working on a ticket, they must either accept an offer for this ticket (picture) or be assigned to it by an administrator or moderator (picture). Only then can they use the messenger and create updates.

4. Getting in contact with code users
As soon as an employee has accepted an offer for a ticket or has been assigned to it, the status of that ticket automatically changes from "OPEN" to "ASSIGNED".
Employees can now use the messenger to contact code users, request additional information, provide support, etc. (picture). Note: Employees using the mobile application can access these features by clicking on the menu button (picture).
Messenger Functions
- Text messages, including bold and italic fonts
- Multimedia messages (pictures, videos, etc.)
- Voice messages
- URL links
- Text Assistant links
- Links to new video sessions
For more information on the messenger, please read this article: The Messenger

5. Performing Customer Service
When starting to work on a ticket, the status should be changed to "IN PROGRESS" to signal code users that a service employee has started working on the case.

Often times, the messenger is all that is needed to resolve a service case, as it offers many options for giving precise instructions to the code users. However, if the case cannot be resolved remotely, detailed information can be collected in advance in order to optimally prepare the service employees for the on-site deployment.
In addition to messages, information can be shared via updates. Updates consist of text and/or attachments, and are intended to be used for publishing details on the progress of a service case. This way, a digital service record detailing every step of the case is automatically created (picture).
Note: Internal updates can be created for information that should only be visible to employees (picture).
6. Closing the ticket
After the service case has been completed, the ticket status must be manually changed to "DONE" by an employee. If the rating feature is deactivated, the ticket status will automatically change to "CLOSED".

7. Rating the ticket
If the rating feature is activated (picture), tickets will remain "DONE" until a code user has submitted a rating. As soon as a rating was received, the status automatically changes to "CLOSED".
For more information on ratings, please read this article: Ratings

Closed tickets
Closed tickets remain available to both code users and employees via the tickets overview (picture). However, code users can no longer make changes, add updates, or write new messages. To reach out to customer service, they must create a new ticket.
Note: Employees can reopen closed tickets if necessary (picture).