Video Session Details View

How to get there

  1. Select VIDEO SESSIONS from the side menu.
  2. Select a video session from the list.

The Video Session Details View

Video Session Details View
Video Session Details View

The video session details view provides all available details of a specific video session. Moreover it enables employees to view the linked tickets and to get in contact with code users via starting or reopening the video session.

Video Session Visibility

The visibility of video sessions can be edited.

Visibility StatusMeaning
InternalOnly employees can see this video session.
PublicEmployees and code users can see this video session.

How to change the video session visibility:

  1. Click EDIT in the top right corner of the video session details view.
  2. Select the desired visibility status.
  3. Click SAVE.

The General Tab

At the top of the page and in the General tab, all general information about the video session is displayed.

General Information EN

The Employees Tab

This tab provides information on all employees involved in this video session. You can see who has received a request for the video session and who is currently responsible for the video session.

If you are a moderator or an administrator, you can add yourself as responsible for this video session.  

employee tab EN

The Linked Tickets Tab

In this tab, you can view tickets linked to the video session and create new ones. To open a linked ticket, simply select one from the list.

You can also link additional tickets or unlink currently linked tickets.

Note: Tickets created from the back office are created as internal tickets. If you want to make them public, you must edit the ticket afterwards.

linked tickets EN

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