How to use Video Sessions

Creating Video Sessions

While service employees can create new video sessions anytime, code users have to request them. The difference is that the video sessions created by service employees are automatically set to "CONFIRMED", which means that a call can be initiated immediately.

Code Users

Video sessions can be requested via:

  1. the Video Sessions Overview (picture).
  2. action buttons in the Assistant. Note: This is only possible if you have created action buttons that reference the video session request flow (picture).

The responsible employees are immediately notified of new requests so that they can get in contact with the code users as quickly as possible.

Video Session Request Flow Example
Video Session Request Flow

Service Employees

Video sessions can be created via:

  1. the Video Sessions Overview (Mobile) (picture)
  2. the Video Sessions Tab (Back Office) (picture)
  3. a ticket (picture) Note: For more details see this article.

Video Session Status

Status Bar

Service employees can manually change the video session status. However, when a call is started the status automatically changes to "IN PROGRESS" and when a call has ended the status automatically changes to "CLOSED".

REQUESTEDA code user has requested a video session.
The call can only be started after the request has been confirmed.
CONFIRMEDThe video session has been confirmed by a service employee. Both sides can initiate a call.
IN PROGRESS The call is in progress.
DONEThe call has ended.
CANCELLEDOption 1: A code user has canceled a request.
Option 2: A service employee has canceled a video session (possible at any time).

Before the Video Session

Get informed about the upcoming call
Before deciding whether to confirm the request or not, service employees can have a look at the available details. This includes information about the device itself, the reason for the request (picture), the employees who have received the request (picture), and linked tickets (picture).

Change the status to CONFIRMED
This is only necessary if the video session was requested by a code user.
Back office: (picture)
Mobile: (picture)

Decide if you want to record the call
If the feature is activated in the module settings (picture), service employees may record video sessions (picture). Note: Video sessions can only be recorded if code users agree. Consent can be given either when creating the request (picture) or on the call screen (picture).

Starting a Call

Once a video session is set to "CONFIRMED", both the code user and the service employee can initiate a call by clicking START. The service employee's camera is switched off by default. However, it can be switched on during the call or on the call screen (picture).

Accepting an incoming call:

  • Code user view (video)
  • Service employee view (video)

Video Session Tools

Video Session Tools Example

Video sessions can be recorded if code users agree. Recordings are automatically uploaded after the call and are accessible to both code users and service employees. When a call is recorded, a red recording symbol is displayed in the upper left corner (picture).

Service employees can take screenshots and edit them together with code users (picture). Screenshots are automatically uploaded after the call and are accessible to both code users and service employees.

Both code users and service employees can draw on the live videos. Unlike the tracking feature, these drawings disappear after a brief moment. Note: Code users appear in blue, service employees appear in red.

Service Employee View - Back Office: (video)
Service Employee View - Mobile: (video)
Code User View: (video)

Service employees can highlight elements in a video that remain highlighted even when the camera moves (video).

Service employees can flip the video to view it mirrored (video).

After the Video Session

As soon as a call is over, the status automatically changes to "CLOSED" and screenshots and recordings are uploaded. If code users want to have another call, they must first create a new request. To have another call in the same video session, a service employee has to reopen it (picture).

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