Video Sessions Tab

The Purpose of Video Sessions

Video sessions enable your organisation to help and guide customers remotely.

They can be started in multiple ways:

  • Code users can create a request which needs to be accepted by an employee (client view).
  • Code users can start video calls instantly, if allowed by your organisation (picture) (client view).
  • Employees can create sessions and invite code users (client and back office view).

Video Sessions Overview

video sessions
The Overview

All video sessions that currently exist on the platform are listed here. You can select individual ones to view more details or to edit them. In addition, new video sessions can be created.

To find specific information, you can search, sort, and filter the list. For more information on how to do that, please read this article: LISTS.

The Video Session Details View

Click on any element in the list for detailed information about it. To learn more about this topic, please read this article: The Video Sessions Details View.

Video Sessions Details View EN
The Details View

Create a Video Session

In the back office there are the following options to create a new video session:

  • Option 1: Via the +CREATE VIDEO SESSION button in the video sessions tab (picture).
  • Option 2: Via the +CREATE VIDEO SESSION button in the device details view (picture).
  • Option 3: Via the +CREATE VIDEO SESSION button in the messenger (tickets details view) (picture).

In the mobile application here are the following options to create a new video session:

  • As a code user: Press the camera icon (picture).
  • As a technician: Press the camera icon (picture).

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