Dynamic Codes

Dynamischer Code

How to get there

  1. Select Templates from the side menu.
  2. Select a template from the list.
  3. Click on the Modules tab.
  4. Select Devices from the side menu.
  5. Activate the Dynamic Codes submodule (picture).
  6. Select Dynamic Codes from the side menu (picture).

What are Dynamic Codes?

Dynamic codes are the perfect complement to classic codes because they offer additional application and rollout options. In some customer situations, we recommend using a combination of both solutions.

Advantages in the rollout arise mainly in situations in which attaching a code sticker during the process is difficult or not possible at all.


  1. Devices are already packed
  2. Devices are already with the customer and address is unknown
  3. The end users are supposed to decide for themselves whether or where a code sticker is to be attached

In these cases, thanks to dynamic codes, it is possible for users, who do not have their own platform account, to create and stick on their individual "access codes".

How it works

A dynamic code can, for example, be placed on a website or a package leaflet. After scanning a dynamic code, code users immediately find themselves in a creation flow through which they can create an individual "access code", an object and a customer (optional).

After creation, code users are immediately in the context of these new entities, allowing for individual connection/communication between the code user and platform staff.

In addition, these code users receive an email with the access code they have just generated (link & QR code). They can now print out this code and stick it on themselves. Alternatively, code stickers for the newly generated codes can be produced by the platform operator and sent to the end users, so they can stick it on their devices.


  • Each dynamic code is inseparably linked to a template.
  • Behind each dynamic code is a creation flow, which can be individually configured in the back office application (picture).
  • Templates can have unlimited dynamic codes.

Code vs. Dynamic Code

“Access Code”
Dynamic Code
“Creation Code”
FunctionalityGives access to the platform

A code leads to a digital twin
Creation of new access points into the platform

A dynamic code allows the creation of an unlimited number of "access codes"
Communication ChannelsOne communication channel

Any user of an "access code" can view the messages stored on it
Unlimited amount of communication channels

Each user of a Dynamic Code creates an individual communication channel to which other users do not have access unless the "access code" generated in the process is shared with them
Pairing/Unpairing Possible
--> Can be paired with objects
Not possible
--> Inseparably linked to a template
Dynamic Code - Infographic

Rollout Examples

With Code

  1. A digital twin is created
  2. A code is created
  3. A QR code sticker is printed
  4. The code is paired with the digital twin
  5. The QR code sticker is stuck on a physical object
  6. The physical object is handed over to the customer

With Dynamic Code

  1. A code user scans a dynamic code
  2. A unit consisting of digital twin, code, and customer (optional) is created by the code user
    Note: Digital twin, code, and customer (optional) are automatically paired with each other
  3. The code user prints out the QR code sticker or receives it in the mail
  4. The code user sticks the QR code sticker on the physical object
Classic Rollout- Control remains entirely with the operator of the platform
--> Entering data, attaching the code sticker, etc.
- More work and time required
--> All steps must be carried out by internal employees.

- Harder for items that are already on the market/with the end user.
--> The physical object and the internal employee must come together (e.g., during production, repair, or on-site visit)
Rollout with Dynamic Codes- Faster rollout possible

- Easy integration of objects that are already on the market / with the end user

- All steps can be performed by the code user
--> low workload for platform operators
- Potential user problems during creation
--> e.g., creation of duplicates

- It's not guaranteed that the QR code sticker will be stuck on the physical object
--> The potential of sqanit isn't fully used
--> Possible problems when trying to access the digital twin again (e.g. email not found)
--> Increased risk of duplicates, as users are likely to simply create another account

- A lot of time may pass between the creation of the digital twin and the application of the QR code sticker
--> If the sticker is sent later by the platform operator

Examples of Use Cases

Rollout for objects that are already on the market / with the end user

  1. A dynamic code is made available at a central location, e.g., website, flyer, advertising.
  2. An interested new customer scans the dynamic code and creates an individual access point to the system.
    Note: The code user can start using the platform immediately!
  3. Code user receives their personal access code by email so that they can easily access it again later.
  4. Code user prints out the QR code or waits for the code sticker to be sent by mail from the platform operator.
  5. Code user sticks QR code stickers on the physical object.

"Contact Form" - Individual communication with just one code

  1. A dynamic code is made available at a central location, e.g., website, flyer, advertising, business card.
  2. A code user scans the dynamic code and creates an individual access point to the system.
  3. The code user can start using the platform immediately to compose a message/ticket.
    Note: Other users of the dynamic code cannot see this message, as an individual communication channel is created with every scan!

Codes for undefined objects / objects without a specific template


  • The platform operator has a large product portfolio, but there is not yet a template on the platform for every product. Nevertheless, the platform should be available to all customers, even if only to a limited extent (without a product-specific text assistant).
  1. A "general template" is created that offers general content and contact options.
  2. The template is equipped with a dynamic code that is made available to end users at a central location, e.g., via website, flyer, advertising.
  3. An interested new customer scans the dynamic code and is guided through a creation flow. A digital twin is created, with the code user even being able to add a photo of the real device.
    Note: Code user can start using the platform immediately!
  • As soon as a suitable template is available, the digital twin can be easily converted, with all existing communication between the code user and the platform operator remaining available.
  • Advantage: The platform operator can decide which templates to build next based on what kind of digital twins code users create the most.
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