Meta Teams

The Idea behind Meta Teams

For companies operating in multiple locations and with multiple local teams, meta teams are the key to effective fleet management. They are used to ensure that, depending on the location of the device, only those employees responsible for that region are notified of new tickets or video sessions.


The Meta Teams functionality works only if devices are linked to customers!

What are Meta Teams?

Meta teams should be viewed as team "categories". Each meta team usually consists of multiple teams, each with the same tasks but responsible for different geographic areas. The special advantage of meta teams is that you can easily add them at the template level and then determine which team is responsible for each customer at the customer level.


Meta Team ("Category")Team ("Locally Responsible")
Service TechniciansGermany
Customer Service EmployeesNorth Germany
South Germany
Sales Representatives Berlin

How it works

  • At the template level, meta teams are added to Fleet Management / Notifications groups, which in turn are linked to individual creation flows (picture)(picture).
  • At the customer level, it is determined for each customer which team of the meta team should be responsible (picture).

Step-by-Step Instructions

Create Meta Teams & Teams
  1. Select MY COMPANY from the side menu.
  2. Click on the Teams tab.
  3. Click + ADD META TEAM (picture).
  4. Enter a name for the new meta team (e.g., "Service Technicians") and SAVE.
    Keep in mind: A meta team is like a team "category".
  5. Click +ADD TEAM.
  6. Enter a title for the new team (e.g., "Germany" --> Service Technicians responsible for the Germany region), then click NEXT.
  7. Add a logo. (optional)
  8. Click + ADD EMPLOYEE (picture).
  9. From the list, select all the employees you want in this team, then click SAVE.
Meta team "Service Technicians" with team "USA"
Meta team "Service Technicians" with team "USA"
Add Meta Teams to Groups (Ticketing)
  1. Select TEMPLATES from the side menu.
  2. Select a template.
  3. Click on the Modules tab.
  4. Select Notifications / Fleet Management (submodules of Ticketing) from the modules list on the left side.
  5. Click + NEW GROUP.
  6. Enter a title for the new group (e.g., "Service Technicians"), then click SAVE.
  8. Click the Meta Teams tab, then select the meta team you want to add (picture).
  9. Click DONE.
Fleet Management Group with Meta Team
Fleet Management Group with Meta Team
Add Groups to Ticket Creation Flows (Ticketing)
  1. Select Ticket Creation Flows from the modules list.
  2. Select a ticket creation flow, and click the pencil icon to enter edit mode (picture).
  3. Open the drop-down menu below Notified Group / Fleet Management Group, select the group you created earlier, then click SAVE (picture).
Ticket Creation Flow with Group
Ticket Creation Flow with Group
Add Meta Teams to Video Sessions
  1. Select TEMPLATES from the side menu.
  2. Select a template.
  3. Click on the Modules tab.
  4. Select Notifications (submodule of Video Sessions) from the modules list on the left side.
  5. Click + ADD NOTIFICATION RECEIVERS (picture).
  6. Click on the Meta Teams tab, and select the meta team you want to add (picture).
  7. Click DONE.
Meta Team set up as Notification Receiver for Video Sessions
Meta Team set up as Notification Receiver for Video Sessions
Customer Team Mapping (Ticketing & Video Sessions)
  1. Select CUSTOMERS from the side menu.
  2. Select a customer.
  3. Click on the Teams tab.
  4. For corporate customer with departments: Use the drop-down menu to select a department.
  5. Click + ADD MAPPING (picture).
  6. Select a meta team (picture).
  7. A drop-down menu will open automatically (picture). Select the team that should be responsible for this customer.
  8. Click on the check mark, to save your changes (picture).
  9. Click DONE (picture).
Customer Team Mapping
Customer Team Mapping

What are "Default Teams"?

For each meta team, you can select one team to be the "Default Team". This team will be used as the fallback for all the cases for which you haven't set up a customer team mapping yet (picture).


If you have not selected a default team, new tickets and video session requests may go unnoticed for devices without a customer team mapping, as no employees will be notified.


For each meta team, create a team called "Fallback" and select it as your default team (picture).

What is "Contact"?

For each team, you can select one team member to be highlighted as the primary contact. This is for informational purposes only and has no other functionality (picture).

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