Customer Details View

How to get there

  1. Select CUSTOMERS from the side menu.
  2. Select a customer from the list.

The Customer Details View

The customer details view provides all available information about private customers and corporate customers. Moreover, it enables employees to edit the customer data and to view a customer's devices, tickets and video sessions.

General Information Corporate Customers

At the top of the corporate customer details view you can find and edit all general information about a customer, e.g. addresses, contact details and logo.

If the corporate customer has several departments, you can view and edit them here.

Customer Details View
Corporate Customer Details View

General Information Private Customers

In the General tab you can find and edit all general information about the customer, e.g., the customer’s name, the contact details and the customer-ID.

private customer general EN
Private Customer Details View

The Devices Tab

This tab provides information about a customer's devices. Here you can also add new devices. By clicking on a device, you will get to the device details view.

devices tab EN

The Tickets Tab

In this tab, you can view all tickets related to a customer. You can search for specific tickets and sort and filter the tickets list. By clicking on a ticket, you will get to the ticket details view.

tickets tab EN

The Video Sessions Tab

In this tab, you can view all video sessions related to a customer. You can search for specific video sessions and sort and filter the video sessions list. By clicking on a video session, you will get to the video session details view.

video sessions tab EN
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