Ticket Details View

How to get there

  1. Select TICKETS from the side menu.
  2. Select a ticket from the list.

The Ticket Details View

The ticket details view provides all available details of a specific ticket and enables employees to get in contact with code users via the messenger.

Example Ticket Details View
Ticket Details View

The Status Bar

The status bar provides information about the progress and the visibility of a ticket.

Status Bar Public Ticket
Public Ticket
Status Bar Internal Ticket
Internal Ticket
Progress StatusMeaning
DraftThe code user has not completed all the ticket creation flow steps yet. No ticket offers have been sent out yet.
OpenThe ticket has been created. Ticket offers have been sent out.
No employee has accepted their ticket offer yet. No employee has been assigned yet.
AssignedAt least one employee has accepted their ticket offer or has been assigned.
In ProgressAn employee is working on the ticket right now.
DoneThe ticket is done, but the code user has not yet rated it.
ClosedThe ticket is closed. Code users can no longer create updates or write messages.
CancelledThe ticket has been cancelled.

How to change the progress status:

  1. Click EDIT
  2. Click on the desired status in the status bar
  3. Click SAVE

NOTE: In some cases, the status changes automatically. Example: When an employee accepts an offer, the ticket status automatically changes to "ASSIGNED".

Visibility StatusMeaning
InternalOnly employees can see this ticket.
PublicEmployees and code users can see this ticket.

How to change the visibility status:

  1. Click EDIT
  2. Select the desired visibility status.
  3. Click SAVE

The General Information Tab

At the top of the page and in the "General" tab, all general information about the ticket is displayed.

General Information Tab

The Updates Tab

This tab lists all "public" updates and allows you to create new ones. These updates can be seen by employees and code users. This list of updates is intended to function as a digital service record.

Updates Tab

The Internal Updates Tab

This tab lists "internal" updates. These can only be seen by logged-in users (employees).

Internal Updates Tab

The Fleet Management Tab

This tab provides information on all employees involved in this ticket and allows administrators and moderators to manage them.

Fleet Management Tab

Assigned Employees- Have accepted the ticket offer
- Were assigned by an administrator/moderator
Requested Employees- Have received a ticket offer
Available Employees- Remaining employees who have not received an offer

Ticket Offer UNSEENUNSEEN - This employee did not have a look at this ticket yet.
Ticket Offer SEENSEEN - This employee has already seen details of this ticket.

ACCEPT EN 1Accept the ticket offer.
DECLINE EN 1Decline the ticket offer.
REQUEST EN 1Send a ticket offer to this employee.
(Can only be performed by administrators / moderators)
ASSIGN EN 1Assign this ticket to this employee.
(Can only be performed by administrators / moderators)
CANCEL EN 1Cancel the ticket offer/assignment.
(Can only be performed by administrators / moderators)


The fleet management settings can be changed in the template. To learn more about fleet management, please read this article: Fleet Management.

The Video Sessions Tab

This tab lists all video sessions that are linked with this ticket and allows creating new ones.

Video Sessions Tab

The Messenger

On the right side of the ticket details view is the messenger, which allows getting in contact with the code users. To learn more about the messenger, please read this article: The Messenger.

The Messenger

How to use Ticketing

To learn about how to use ticketing, please read this article: How to Use Ticketing.

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